Ship 30 for 30 — What’s the point?
What is it?
Ship 30 for 30 is an online writing cohort facilitated by Nicholas Cole and Dickie Bush. The main purpose of the workshop is to learn the fundamentals of writing online and to build a habit of consistent, regular publishing.
Why did you join Ship 30 for 30?
Writing is something I’ve done frequently over the years. It has always been something I vowed to do more. It has not been an area of discipline and focus. Over the next thirty days that will change.
What are you looking to write about?
The primary topic will be trading and technical analysis. This is a field that anyone can learn. And the timing has never been better as there are more resources available to the beginning trader now than ever before. Online education, mentoring, and even commission free trading is everywhere.
What would a successful 30 days look like for you?
So much has already been written. I’ve been so fortunate to learn from some truly masterful traders and analysts. The essays I will write and publish over the next thirty days will be my effort to add to that body of knowledge while hopefully offering some unique perspective that will help other traders.
Where are you are in your online writing journey and where do you hope to be after 30 days?
Currently my online writing is scattered and sparse. I don’t engage that much with my fellow traders. That isn’t helping me or anyone else grow and learn. I want to get better. And I want to help others. Writing and regular publishing is one of the ways I will do that.
If I can help just one person learn one thing about trading and technical analysis I will consider this project successful. But even if it that does not happen I will have the writing habit. I will know more about engaging an audience. And I will undoubtedly learn more about trading and technical analysis myself. There is no downside.
Thank you for reading. Sincerely. And if you care to share with another reader, thanks double.
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